Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I must not be a good person...or.....how to say NO 101

Well tonight after coming home from work I was eating my (gasp) Mcdonalds meal number #6 with the extra large coke (yes that's really good for the bladder right?) and talking to my friend C on the phone about the happenings of the day. We solve a lot of problems on the phone before and after work. Anyhoo....she's driving home with her little son with her and I'm eating and talking on the cell and my door bell rings.
I don't have a window or a peep hole or any way to SEE who is at my door. Normally it's someone I know. key word NORMALLY.

So since I still have C on the phone I open the door and I really try not to be a bad person but this person looked like well....not someone you would really want to be around. She started out by saying "I know you don't know me but I need a ride to Walmart". She didn't say for what she just said Walmart.

I told her no. For one thing I don't know her and for another she looked...well....like someone I didn't want to get mixed up with. My parents tell me I always drag in the strays. (they are probably talking about men I think....) but I digress. Anyhow I thought about that because my mom and I had just talked about this on Saturday how I'm a fixer and that I really am a helper kind of person.

Well today I must be a bad person or I had one nerve left after the paperwork hell I was submerged in for 8 hours but I told her no that I had plans and couldn't take her to Walmart.

You must be wondering what my plans were. Well they were (are) selfish plans. I must not be a good person. I am in the mode of being selfish. I had been home all of about maybe 5 minutes and was just biting into my #6 double cheeseburger and I already had my "jammies" on. For those of you that don't know I never leave the house in my jammies. Well...unless I"m going to Mel's which is less than a mile away. Anyhow....my plans were to eat that burger, sit on my ass and not do anything for anyone.

My job consists of doing stuff for other people ALL DAY LONG. I honestly didn't have it in me.

I am embarassed to admit it but C was on the phone trying to figure out what my address was in case she needed to call 911 real fast...(she could hear this whole thing) and I just thought...no...you are right. I don't know you. I can't fix you lady. I can't even fix my own marriage. I can't fix myself a lot of the time. What makes you think I'm qualified to get involved in your life at all? I was also thinking to myself (I'm sure she could see the wheels spinning....but I am not sure) if I do this ONE TIME that will be it. She will want me to do it again and again and again.

I'm sorry she doesn't have a car and lives four miles out of town. I honestly think she started walking and went to the first house she came to which is mine. I'm sorry she needed to go to town. I'm sorry she doesn't know anyone. But I cannot fix everyone.

Ask anyone that knows me...once I get home and strip down and the bra comes off I can RARELY be coaxed into stepping foot outside my house. I am a total home body.

So I told her no and what did she do....she tried to CONVINCE ME AGAIN why I needed to just drop her off at Walmart then I could go about my business. Sigh.

Now mind you if she'd been in obvious distress I would have probably done "something" although at this point I don' t know what.

Most of the time I go through life absorbing and taking on other people's issues, their problems and I become their solution. I'm becoming more choosy these days about what I do and I've chosen today. I've chosen to take care of me.

So call me selfish. I don't care.
I fret about other people too often.
I wonder how they will get things worked out.
How their lives will turn out.
I lose sleep over people making bad life decisions.

I am so DONE with it. Now it's time for me to take the "say NO 101" class of life.
And I did it.

1 comment:

My So Called Life said...

So I think you did the right thing! Yes I needed to have your address I was thinking of how I would give them directions. So be selfish and be safe. Maybe that should be your new motto!

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