Saturday, October 11, 2008

50 things....

1. Name: Lisa
2. Birthplace: Orlando, Florida
3. Hometown: Rolla, MO
4. Somewhere you wish you were: I'm where I wish I was...:)
5. Favorite TV show: Oh this is hard since I'm addicted to TV...sigh...probably Chelsea Lately right now....she makes me laugh EVERY day. I gotta give her props for that.
6. Something you love doing: reading
7. Person you wish you could see more often: oh relatives.
8. Favorite Smell: A baby after a bath.....
9. Something that changed your life: Taking photos in the delivery room....THAT is very amazing and it does change your life to see that miracle close up.
10. Sweet Pleasure: Clean Sheets
11. Favorite season: I have two...spring and fall
12. Best Holiday: Christmas
13. Favorite cartoon character: Spongebob
14. Worst Habit: oh jeez.....probably drinking coca's my CRACK.
15. Least favorite household chore: Cleaning the bathroom
16. Favorite actress: Holly Hunter
17. Favorite Actor: Kevin Spacey
18. Where would you like to live: I'd love to have a home in Mexico on the water off of Isla Mujeres.
19. Work out or Chill out: Chill out
20. Something unusual in your kitchen: A red sign that spells out the word HAPPY
21. Something unusual in your bedroom: do I have to answer this? Probably ME!
22. Home furnishings: a mixture of flea market goodies, no real "style" but eclectic stuff
23. Favorite Store: Target
24. a wish: to find my purpose
25. favorite ice cream: Pralines and Creme
26. Favorite local place: Kyoto for dinner...Slice of Pie for dessert
27. Have you read the bible: yes
28. All of it: no
29. Favorite childhood memory: probably Christmas time as a kid....
30. least favorite thing about yourself: I'm often misunderstood
31. worst school subject: math
32. best school subject: creative writing
33. Who makes you laugh the most: Greg
34. Best color: Pink
35. Regret: not trying harder with Erin
36. Hobby: scrapbooking, photography, reading, going to flea markets
37. Silly thing you say: gimme some sugar
38. Best event in the last year: Mel and Rick's wedding
39. Person you could call in the middle of the night: Christina
40. Wall color: well color if I could do that.....I get tired of ivory walls
41. Flower: gerbera daisy
42. Who's cooking: My moms
43. Favorite feeling: hahahaha well....I can't tell you that but a close second is laying my face on a cool fresh pillow case.
44. wood or metal: both
45. grocery store: Wal mart
46. More of: Money
47. Less of: Stress
48. More of: time
49. Less of: Frustration
50. What will you do today: relax

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Your blog is the story of your life - a living diary.
If it happens, you blog it. And you make it as entertaining as possible.
You may be guilty of over-sharing a bit on your blog, but you can't help it.
Your life is truly an open book. Or in this case, an open blog!


You Are the Sense of Smell
You appreciate the smaller things in life that few people notice.
You notice subtle changes just as they happen.
You're the first one to know if the seasons are changing or if the cookies are done.

You love new environments, and you can recall all the places you've been.
You have a sharp memory, and you are often nostalgic for the past.
You enjoy traveling internationally. You have an easy time taking in a new place.