Friday, October 31, 2008

a Favorite

Once in a While
Originally uploaded by **{{LisaLisaLisa}}**

This is one of my favorite photos of all time. I really need to get some of my photos printed and hung up in my home but I always put it off. Maybe I should just DO IT. What do you think?

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You Are a Life Blogger!
Your blog is the story of your life - a living diary.
If it happens, you blog it. And you make it as entertaining as possible.
You may be guilty of over-sharing a bit on your blog, but you can't help it.
Your life is truly an open book. Or in this case, an open blog!


You Are the Sense of Smell
You appreciate the smaller things in life that few people notice.
You notice subtle changes just as they happen.
You're the first one to know if the seasons are changing or if the cookies are done.

You love new environments, and you can recall all the places you've been.
You have a sharp memory, and you are often nostalgic for the past.
You enjoy traveling internationally. You have an easy time taking in a new place.