Thursday, October 23, 2008

All I can think about

Sometimes one certain thing gets stuck in my thought process. When that happens watch out. I am sure everyone is like this. I wouldn't call it obsession but it's certainly relentless mind behavior sometimes.

Over and over and over I play it in my head, wondering if there is another solution.....or a better way.....or if I should be thinking aobut it at all. Then there is the concept of letting it go altogether which is a whole other can of worms.

What makes us like that? What makes other people able to forget things and just move on and then WHAT makes a person oblivious to it all and not even notice the same thing right under their noses? Interesting. or Aggravating. Depends.

Right now I am wondering about a situation that I have no control over. Those are the worst. The things you really wish you could fix or change but somehow that is just not possible.

So you just cope. The best you can. For that day.
And try to think about all the good things in your life right now.


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If it happens, you blog it. And you make it as entertaining as possible.
You may be guilty of over-sharing a bit on your blog, but you can't help it.
Your life is truly an open book. Or in this case, an open blog!


You Are the Sense of Smell
You appreciate the smaller things in life that few people notice.
You notice subtle changes just as they happen.
You're the first one to know if the seasons are changing or if the cookies are done.

You love new environments, and you can recall all the places you've been.
You have a sharp memory, and you are often nostalgic for the past.
You enjoy traveling internationally. You have an easy time taking in a new place.