Sunday, November 23, 2008

So busy

I've been so busy. Whoa. Work has been kicking my butt and I've been very busy with other things as name it...I've been busy with it.

Here are some things in no certain order.

I am making myself a list of things I want and slowly but surely even though I'm basically POOR I am going to get them. Eventually.

1. A brita water filtering pitcher. The water here in my place tastes like IRON and BLOOD. Nice combo. It's horrendous. I am refusing to drink it. Ugh. Just because I like the show "True Blood" does NOT mean I want to taste it. No way.

2. I want the Scrabble Diamond Edition game. :) Love words.

3. I am going to save money to get a passport. Don't ask why. The reasons to travel outside of our country are so varied and so numerous. I have many reasons why.

4. Quilts. I want more quilts.

honestly I'm too tired to go more than four "wants" tonight but I have a growing list of things I want that are probably going to be simple to get...just given a little time.

sleep well peeps

Monday, November 10, 2008

my find

my find
Originally uploaded by **{{LisaLisaLisa}}**

another one of my ROCKING antique store finds for the low low price of $24 dollars. I love it. LOVE IT.


it is 4:16 and I need my bed. see I knew it would catch up to me.


what the heck

I don't know how but I woke up feeling fine today. Imagine that. After being awake half the night. It's a clear day today but cold. Winter is here. I have to start wearing socks (I'm such a barefoot kind of person) and dig out coats. One of the things I always loved about living in the south was you never needed anything more than a heavy sweater or a jacket. Not really. There were a few times you needed a coat that was heavier but not much. I remember when I moved back to Missouri I froze to death the first winter or two.

let's see how long it lasts till my sleepless night catches up to me...than BAM

sleepless in the middle of no where

I am awake which is rare in the middle of the night . It's going on three and I'm going on pissed.

I know what I'll feel like tomorrow. doo doo.

I have a lot on my mind and I get my mind to STOP the insanity.


Friday, November 7, 2008

It's given me a lot of time to think....

When I get sick....I get SICK. Bummer but true. I have a very unahappy stomach right now but I think it's starting to behave again. But being sick has given me a lot of time to think. I've attempted to solve every problem I ever had. From not owning enough pairs of socks to how I am going to gain a larger income. I figured out that I want to have indoor plants that don't need much light and what color I could paint my bedroom if I was allowed to paint. (which I am not). I have decided what things I still want to get at the house (the house in town where my husband still lives) and what things to leave. I've planned out how I'll go to my son's when they have their baby and where I might buy a new coat that I need. I want to plant columbine seeds in the back yard of my new place and I hope they seed and grow. I have ideas about starting my business and what I want to do first. Who I will contact to set up photo shoots. You name three days I've figured it out.

If only I could make some of it happen. Like losing about 60 lbs and always having a fantastic hair cut. Eating food that is only good for me and making sure I drink the right amount of water every day.

I want to rememer some things forever and forget some things forever. some things I can do and some things I can't do. I want to have my own way when I want it. (stamping my foot like a little kid) and I want to be happy.

Some of this I'm achieving slowly but surely but I am thinking it's always going to be a work in progress...this life of mine.

I found out today that some of my kids will be gone for Christmas and this will be the first year in many that I won't see them. I know I have to share. :) I can't always have everything my way.

Maybe I'll leave town for Christmas. I have a feeling that might help.


Thursday, November 6, 2008

be boppin' baby girls

be boppin' baby girls
Originally uploaded by **{{LisaLisaLisa}}**

I am going back through some of my digital photos and I really love this one. These sweet little baby girls were getting DOWN. I'm home sick so I am going to try to go through some photos if I have the energy and decide which ones I want to actually get copies of.

I'm so bad about taking dozens and dozens of photos and then never getting them developed into prints. I have to get better about that.

I {heart} these girls!!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

rocking the vote

Well it looks like a good election and everyone seemed to ROCK THE VOTE.

I, personally voted for Barak Obama. I really wanted some one new and fresh and ready to make some changes for our country.

ON the flip side I woke up with a belly ache and can't stay out of the bathroom for some reason.

over and out

Monday, November 3, 2008

Not long ago my sister asked me "what's with the photos of you..who took them" and I laughed out loud.

Self portraits sistah!

I would encourage you...if you have a digital camera to start taking self portraits. You find out some amazing things about yourself you never knew before. You'll see.

I find such a bit of humor in this photo for some reason. One could think up a bunch of different captions for it.

It makes me laugh whenever I look at it. Thank goodness. We all need something to laugh about don't we?


Saturday, November 1, 2008

mamma's tired. goodnight.
I am so whooped today.

Guess who came to see me this weekend....? My sweet boy who's going to be a daddy in oh....about three months...Does he look ready?


Happy November 1st.

Fall back. Sleep an extra hour....


You Are a Life Blogger!
Your blog is the story of your life - a living diary.
If it happens, you blog it. And you make it as entertaining as possible.
You may be guilty of over-sharing a bit on your blog, but you can't help it.
Your life is truly an open book. Or in this case, an open blog!


You Are the Sense of Smell
You appreciate the smaller things in life that few people notice.
You notice subtle changes just as they happen.
You're the first one to know if the seasons are changing or if the cookies are done.

You love new environments, and you can recall all the places you've been.
You have a sharp memory, and you are often nostalgic for the past.
You enjoy traveling internationally. You have an easy time taking in a new place.